Monday, 13 January 2020

Essay 2 introduction

What impact has the internet and digital media had on editorial design and publications?

Amidst the surge in the dominance of the internet and digital media, the imminent question of whether print is dead looms; assessed within Print is Dead Long Live Print (2015), the reality is that online publications provide information ‘faster and more cheaply’, which threatens the relevance of printed matter today (Jamieson, R. and Currell, A). Arguably, it is prominent that the internet has altered consumer behaviour in the media industry, with people having more news and entertainment options and ‘myriad ways to consume them’ (Lisk, J., 2019). Nethertheless, in the face of a seemingly inevitable end, in a multitude of ways, print is being revived; physical magazines are recognised as ‘hiding’ in independent spaces ‘outside of commercial publishing’ (Deighton, K., 2018). That being so, the debate on the future of print is now salient in the ever-changing landscape of the editorial design and publication industry.

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