Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Vintage science kits

Vintage science experiment kits

I wanted to carry out some visual research into vintage science kits, as I thought it could be a potentially strong book cover to create a spoof of their packaging and design; it would create a link to Bill Brysons playful curiosity, and would avoid the book looking like it took itself seriously, which seems to be common in its previous designs. 

I really like the primary colours and type design in this, as it looks super vibrant and playful - I think I will test out this colour scheme as it links to the tone I want to portray in my design. I also like the little cartoon design in the centre of this design, which could be an interesting way of introducing illustration into my cover design. 

I thought the graphics in this vintage advertisement were pretty interesting, as I liked their juxtaposition by the solid black background. I could try mimicking these images myself, yet the only challenge would be to make them look intentionally ironic, which audiences might not understand. 

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