Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Cutting up images/ format considerations

 Cutting up images/ format considerations

Evie Crook

I really like this publication example that was shown in todays presentation, as it explores cutting up images and type that can be put together through folding. I feel like this would be an interesting format consideration to explore for my publication, as I could navigate the theme of censorship by cutting up images that can be formed through folding methods. For example, my techno tourist guide could be printed on a massive sheet of paper that could then be folded to make the type and images legible, which would help create more of an immersive user experience. 

This format would require a lot of technical consideration, as obviously the images and type will have to be laid out in a way that they can be put together; I might need to do some physical mockups to try and figure out how this could work practically. To possibly make this clearer to the audience, I could also number elements of the publication kind of like a dot-to-dot to make it easier to navigate and put together. 

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