Creating the rest of the CD publication
Because the initial tests for the CD publication format worked well, I thought I would apply the same format and typesetting to the other 4 rules of the techno tourist guide. I want the publication to remain consistent, so I used the same Futura typeface and visual language; the key design element to distinguish each CD format is the different symbols and their colour palettes. I feel like this introduces a nice playful sense of voice to the design, as the colours help provide a clearer user experience, allowing the audience to tell the difference between each rule and poster.
I think overall, these outcomes are pretty successful in communicating the themes and tone I wanted to address to my audience; the format itself relates to the idea of protecting the Berlin techno scene, whilst also communicating themes of censorship. Also, the user experience of having to twist the publication to reveal what it says has a playful undertone and relates to the aim of educating tourists whilst pushing them to 'work for it'. I also feel like the removal of any images/ photos helps reinforce this idea of avoiding exposure of the culture, through relating to the anti phone policy in the Berlin club scene.
I think now I'm at a stage in the project where I need to consider designing posters to correspond with each symbol/ rule; I know where each one will be located and that I want them to include the symbols, but I am undecided whether I want them to share the same minimal visual language as the publication, or whether to do some super maximalist textures like I did before. I was thinking that if I did do very maximalist designs, the user could scan a code on the posters to reveal parts of the poster such as text/ symbols. This would make the user experience more immersive, but I'm unsure about involving phones in the project.
I also need to consider the design of the CD cover and the inner cover design; I think I want to keep it minimal and focused on the 52 13 symbol I created, but I don't know how to feature the poster element.
As well as this, I want to print the publication design out as a test print, to see how theoretically it could work.
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