Monday, 5 October 2020

Political movements/ groups

Ideas for political movements/ groups 

I think at this stage in the brief and with a direction for the publication, I need to look at potential political groups and movements to explore sticker designs for. I ideally want a mixture of different groups around the world, as it could help me experiment more with different visual languages. All of the groups I will be researching are going to be very left wing/ liberal, as I want to actually share the views of the stickers I will be creating; as well as this, my demographic for the publication will also be more left wing (bit of a stereotype for art students). 

OOA (anti atomic power)

Having already focused my poster design around the OOA's Smiling Sun, I feel like it would be fitting to include them within my publication; their core non violent standpoint in activism align well with the concept of the publication, in the sense that it will use fun and playful imagery in a non aggressive way.

LGSM (lesbian and gays support miners)

Amidst the UK's mine closure era under the power of Margaret Thatcher, there was an usual alliance between the LGBT community and miners in Wales. In a time where homophobia was still a very prevalent issue, a small group of lesbians and gays took a trip to South Wales to give donations to local miners due to the strikes/ closures occurring at the time. Unexpectedly, the miners response was incredibly empathetic and grateful; the two communities stood in solidarity against their common enemies, and told an incredibly story of resilience and community. I feel like the LGSM group would be interesting to involve in my publication, as it is a prime example of minorities coming together to stand up for rights. As well as this, this unusual alliance was a key turning point for the Labour party/ Labour group, as they stood in solidarity with the LGBT community in a time where lesbians and gays were incredibly underrepresented. Due to this, this idea of solidarity and community would allow my publication to focus on the positives within activism, and explore further the concept of unity in the face of 'The Man'. 

Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion is a global movement that uses non violent civil disobedience in 'an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse'. Extinction Rebellion is inherently suited for my publication as a result of their non violent approaches, as well as their value of community. The group focuses on the risks of society valuing profit over life, and how this prioritisation of money is unsustainable in order to survive as a human race; the group values equality for all, in a world where famine and poverty is still a massive issue - unbalanced by the mega rich. Extinction rebellion is also incredibly representative of young people, which aligns with the demographic of the publication. The stickers I could create for the movement should embody this idea of responsibility for our future, and our ancestors; focusing on environmental issues and green values. 

Planned Parenthood 

Despite being an American organisation, Planned Parenthood is a key political figure in todays political climate in the US; with Trump in power and pro-life laws in certain states, pro-choice has come to the forefront of Women's rights, with a focus on giving women the freedom and right to be responsible for their bodies. Planned Parenthood would be a really interesting movement to investigate in my publication, as I could challenge the often gory and threatening imagery used by pro-lifers in efforts to stop women from getting abortions. I could juxtapose this with positive imagery to advocate the rights of women, and normalise abortion and the stigma surrounding it. 


Now more than ever, BLM protests have been a key event in efforts to stop and prevent racial discrimination both in the UK and the US. With police brutality and racism still a massive issue (even in 2020), I think it is incredibly important to include the BLM movement in my publication. With a massive following from young people, this would align with the audience of the publication, as well as allowing the publication to offer non violent forms of protest; the sticker designs will have the important role of sending crucial messages yet with positive imagery. Having a focus on playful and positive imagery is also crucial for BLM in particular, as it will challenge the misconceptions and negative reputations that the media have created surrounding the topic. 

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