Sunday, 6 December 2020

Feedback/ developments for the political compass concept


  • To make the design have more of an 'aim of the game' there could be some sort of grid where the user places where they think each meme correlates on the political compass?
  • The correct answers could be on the opposite side of the cards; use red acetate to reveal the correct answer 
  • The whole point of this makes it intentionally impossible, as the images don't correlate at all, thus linking to the notion of absurdity within political meme culture 
Visual developments

To make the game clearer, I decided to blur the visuals to have a stronger colour palette; I think this works well as it still has some elements of texture, but mainly focuses on using the same colours as the political compass. The type used for the grid itself is papyrus sans, which pays homage to graphic design meme culture, but in more of a niche and subtle way. The type in this version is a bit washy, and kind of gets lost in the designs' hierarchy; I could make this component a lot clearer, and maybe make the type more playful. This could be a case of having the type actually off the grid? I could create some kind of border possibly.

I experimented with making the type stand out more by using the meme legend, word art; it surprisingly works pretty well with the grid, as it is more visible than before but isn't visually dominant in the designs' hierarchy. The main drawback with the placement of the word art however, is that it covers sections of the grid so the user can't see which point they place their images on. Despite this, it is still doable, and I don't know if I want to make the game totally clear as the whole point is that the game is virtually impossible by having elements that don't relate to each other at all. In a sense, having the type cover sections of the grid celebrates the idea of anti-art in meme culture and the concept of absurdity. However, I think I'll continue to play around with the relationship between the type and grid, but I like where its' heading so far both visually and conceptually. 

Things I need to do
  • Experiment and finalise the political compass element; make any alterations to the type. Possibly add a border and place the type there?
  • Start to design the back of the board; is there going to be a logo for the game? How will the board look folded up - I could design some kind of cover?
  • Find random images to use for the card element of the design; how will I treat the images visually?
  • Design the back of the cards; has to use a blue and red colour scheme; research using acetate and how to design for it
  • How will I present the acetate? Will it just be a sheet or should I make something like glasses/ magnifying glass? 
  • Consider the packaging for the game; will it come in a box? I could sell it in a bag? 
  • How many cards will I design/ how many will come in the pack; it needs to be a lot as I don't want the game to become repetitive 
  • Create instructions for the game; will this be separate or in the box?  What are the rules of the game? 
  • What is the game going to be called? 

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