Practical concepts for COP
- Meme playing cards - like Pokemon cards where the user can interact
- Some kind of game like cards against humanity but with political memes?
- A publication that replicates how you scroll through instagram; gets more chaotic with pop up adds as you 'scroll'?
- A zine exploring the 'notion of absurdism'; super random images with text that doesn't correlate
- Out of context images; relating to the 'cute cat theory of digital activism'; cut cat photos/ drawings with blunt text/ manifestos
- Reinventing satire with more personal references; starter pack zine?
- Shitposts and political text
- Posterzine format?
- A physical zine with slots where the user can put in their own images; create their own memes
- Getting people to create their own staire/ political cartoons; you pass the book on like a meme being shared
- Create a meme inspired typeface; combining papyrus and comic sans
- Something that the user adds to then is passed on
- The format could be like MS paint; uses imagery from old Microsoft to celebrate the origins of the internet
- Type a tweet?
- Could be a QR code to a link to a meme page; all of the drawings in the book get sent to the meme page making a collaborative meme account
- The goal of translating memes into printed matter; challenging the fast paced nature of the internet with something more tangible
- Blur out politicians faces so people can draw on them
- The narrative of the book could follow the process of logging onto a computer; starts as a lock screen then the user logs into twitter/ instagram; the instagram page could be a massive long tip in where the user has to 'scroll'
- Explore peoples short attention span; how long do we spend looking at memes?
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