Final zine outcome for Garfield minus Garfield
Today was focused on tweaking aspects of the final publication and curating all of the elements of the design. The final outcome is intended to be used as a 'monthly' publication for the blog, with two pages of comic strips, a poster design and a sticker sheet.
Colour schemes- plastic wallets
I wanted to use a nice quality paper stock in order to relate to my essay in the sense that zines serve as a quality tangible product; I felt like plain white printer paper lacked a certain exclusivity, so I used coloured paper. This made the zine have a more coordinated colour palette, as I matched the colours to the ink; e.g. blue, pink and green. As well as this, I matched the colour with plastic wallets which contributed to consistency.
Adding stickers
I added the stickers into the plastic wallets and experimented with how the audiences could interact with the posterzine. I thought it would be fun to add stickers onto the plastic wallet which complimented the final publication.
Pasting up the posters
I also tested the poster elements of the design by pasting them up; I like how the colours compliment one another and the audience has a freedom to chose the layout of the poster.
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