Development of the publication pages
In response to peer feedback, I wanted to add some more details to the gradient side of the publication pages. This will help communicate what emotion each letter is inspired by, thus creating more of a concise user experience.
This experiment uses minimal type design to communicate the emotion; I wanted to play around with type setting and have the type vertical, which meant it didn't overpower or distract from the actual letterform.
The only limitation of using this design approach is that is seems slightly plonked on top of the page design; it could be interesting to experiment with additional layers such as stickers as it could provide a more tangible and interesting outcome. For example, it would be nice to have a sticker on each gradient page displaying the emotion; this could provide more of a fun sense of voice, as we could play around with how the stickers are placed.
I decided to create this sticker design to experiment with how it could function alongside the publication; I thought it would also be interesting to add the actual letterforms on the sticker, but in more of an abstract way with cropping. This resulted in some fun shapes that created quite a playful sticker design. The sticker designs also feature branding in correspondence to MoodGlyph, featuring the logo in order to build consistency and create a strong visual identity. I think I prefer this sticker design to the initial concept I created, as there is more emphasis on the actual letterform.
I showed these sticker concepts to my peers, and the general feedback was that these sticker designs work better as they place more emphasis on the letterforms. Despite this, it was suggested that I could try alternating the stickers by inverting them which would link to the black and white alternation theme that we had for our instagram. This would mean the stickers on the letter pages would alternate from black to white, which I agree would break up the design better and avoid it from being repetitive.
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