Thursday, 21 January 2021

Getting MoodGlyph featured in Everpress' 'artists to watch' article

 Getting MoodGlyph featured in Everpress' 'artists to watch' article

Yesterday I was featured in Everpress' 'artists to watch 2021' article, which showcases the 14 different artists that Everpress are interested in. I was super happy to be selected for this article, as it meant I got more exposure and recognition for my design.

What was more exciting is that on the section about me included a reference to MoodGlyph, which is definitely a big stepping stone in getting our project more exposure. This links into the promotional aspects of the project, as in order to be more successful, we really need to get the word out more and focus on our visual branding. This kind of sparked the idea that we could create some promotional posts for the final publication, maybe featuring animations to build a fun and playful tone. As well as this, if we're planning on creating a website post submission, we need to generate some hype for its launch in order to get people to buy the publication and merch. 

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