End of module evaluation
Overall, I think my strengths within this module has been my ability to act and design more independently; I feel like my design has more of a confident aspect to it, as I have grown into my style more. The strengths of the module outcomes itself is definitely being able to respond to an essay question that is quite niche; I found this difficult at first but I feel like my practical outcome is pretty successful in aligning with the issues discussed (its also something I'm interested in). Despite this, I think the weaknesses of the module stem from how wide of a topic my essay question was; I feel as though I could have chosen a slightly easier question, as it was tricky to link everything back to contemporary graphics. Even so, as previously said it is a topic that definitely interests me and visually informs my practise; mem-culture and witty design are influences in my style.
The strategies that I used for this module mainly consisted of working more conceptually (mainly due to it being essay based). The final outcome is justified by conceptual elements, and I actually enjoyed designing based off theories; it helped the practical response feel more informed and not just me going crazy with word art (to some extent). Working conceptually is something I definitely want to continue to do in future projects.
I think the most important considerations within this module were focusing on independence more; I felt like I gained more confidence in my decisions and pushed myself to stay focused. Also despite working over the holidays, my time management has been surprisingly good, so I would like to continue this attitude into the new year.
The only things I really did differently for this module was the independent side of it, but despite this I set up quite a few peer feedback sessions which really helped. Living with two graphic designers really helped me to stay focused and on track with the module, so I'll make the most of this in future for sure.
I think generally I achieved my potential within this module, mainly due to my ability to be more independent; with such a niche and wide essay question, I think I did a considerably decent job at not talking absolute rubbish.
The main thing I would like to have more of for future modules however, is definitely tutor feedback more often; although peer feedback did help me in some respects, it would have made me much more confident in my ideas with more feedback from tutors one on one. Especially in these strange COVID times, it would have been nice to speak more to tutors instead of feeling slightly in the dark.
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