Friday, 15 January 2021

Playing with colour

 Playing with colour

After deciding that we want to start including colour within our designs post submission, I wanted to just create some quick experiments with colour and texture in order to relate the letterforms with their corresponding emotions. I made these quick colour tests in relation to the colours I applied to each letter in the submissions list blog. 

I quite like the textured effect I used in these experiments, as it makes a nice change from the block colour theme we used for the pre submission deadline instagram posts; I definitely want to discuss with Spencer whether we should use heavily textured design or stick to block colours, as personally I feel like it feels more contemporary. The main issue I found when experimenting with colour was that if the emotion was in a yellow colour, it was difficult to make it stand out (the B letterform above for example). Due to this, maybe we could try using more minimal amounts of colour to place more emphasis on the letters/ alphabet; this could be through symbols or shapes - or possibly very subtle gradients? All of this needs to be discussed with Spencer in order to gage what kind of visual language we want to go for. 

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